The Editor’s Manual
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Commas always go inside quotation marks in American style. In British style, commas go inside or outside depending on whether they punctuate the text within quotes or the surrounding sentence.
Use single inside double quotation marks to show a quote within a quote in US style. In British style, use double inside single quotes.
US style is double quotes with single quotes reserved for quotes within quotes. British is single quotes with double quotes used for quotes within quotes. Commas and periods always go inside quotation marks in US style but not in British.
Double quotes enclose text in US style, with single quotes used only for quotes within quotes. Single quotes are the default in British style, with double quotes reserved for quotes within quotes.
Place quotation marks around direct speech or a quotation. Quotes may also enclose a word or a phrase used ironically or as itself. Quotation marks set off titles of shorter works (like a chapter, article, or poem).
Smart (or curly) quotes are paired quotation marks that curve toward the text they enclose, indicating clearly whether they start or end a quote. Straight quotes are nondirectional.
Use “sic” to indicate a grammatical or spelling mistake in the original text of a quote. “Sic” is generally italicized in formal texts. Also enclose “sic” in brackets in formal writing.
An ellipsis is a series of three dots. In a quotation, an ellipsis signifies omitted words. In a dialogue or narrative, the ellipsis shows faltering speech or a pause.