When to Use an En Dash (–)

Neha Karve

An en dash is a medium-width dash used mainly to show a range (the years 2001–05). It can also sometimes replace the word to (the Boston–Seattle flight) or be used in place of a hyphen to show a connection across words (post–World War I alliances, US–Mexico relations).

The en dash (–), also called the en rule, takes its name from being the same width as the capital letter N. It is longer and thinner than a hyphen (‐) but shorter than an em dash (—).

To signify a range

Use an en dash to indicate a range or interval. Don’t use spaces around an en dash that shows a range.

  • 9–11 a.m.
  • 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
  • open Monday–Friday
  • January–June 2019
  • November 25, 1987–February 16, 1988
  • the years 1942–47
  • published in The Strand (1891–1930)
  • pages 14–16
  • Chapters 11–17
  • 2–4 players
  • 350–400 applicants

Don’t use the word from with an en dash. (You use from with the word to, but not when you use an en dash.)

  • Incorrect: The years from 1967–1972 were the best of her life.
    Correct: The years 196–1972 were the best of her life.
    Correct: We lived in Tunis from 1967 to 1972.

Also don’t use the word between before a range shown by an en dash. (You use between with the word and to indicate a range, but not when you use an en dash.)

  • Incorrect: The doctor is available between 2–4 p.m.
    Correct: The doctor is available between 2 and 4 p.m.
    Correct: The doctor is available from 2 to 4 p.m.
    Correct: The doctor’s hours are 2–4 p.m.

In place of the word to

The en dash can be used simply to replace the word to in certain constructions where you want to link two items of equal weight in a sentence.

  • I met him by chance on the Toronto–Prague flight last year.
  • The bench voted 5–3 to repeal the verdict.
  • Poland defeated Spain 2–1 in the final match of the tournament.

To connect words in compound adjectives

In a compound adjective (an adjective made up of two or more words that join together to describe a noun) a hyphen is often used to clarify meaning.

  • her pre-1970 writings
  • a prize-winning novel
  • the post-colonial era

However, if a connection across words needs to be shown, an en dash is used instead of a hyphen.

  • pre–Industrial Revolution Europe
    Pre modifies not just the word Industrial but the entire term Industrial Revolution.
  • a Booker Prize–winning novel
  • his post–World War II speeches
  • the Paris–Berlin flight
  • the ex–managing director
  • Victorian era–style furniture

To connect words of equal weight

When two words together describe another word, a hyphen makes things clearer.

  • a UK-based company
    UK modifies based; they together describe company.
  • a child-friendly restaurant
  • a 50-minute recipe

However, if the two words in the compound adjective are balanced and of equal weight, an en dash is used instead in certain styles.

  • the US–Canada border
    US does not describe or modify Canada, but the two together describe border.
  • work–life balance
  • the parent–child bond
  • a 50–50 division of property
  • human–computer interaction

A hyphen may be used in place of the en dash in the examples above. The Chicago Manual of Style recommends using a hyphen; the APA Publication Manual, an en dash. Follow a consistent style throughout your document.

Additional guidance: En dash vs. hyphen

Many style guides, including the Chicago Manual of Style, APA Publication Manual, and MLA Handbook, recommend using an en dash instead of a hyphen to signify a range in formal and academic writing.

In contrast, the AP Stylebook suggests using a hyphen in all cases and not using an en dash at all. Another exception is the AMA Manual of Style, which also suggests using a hyphen instead of an en dash in a range.

  • Correct: Chicago, APA, MLA style: the years 1997–2002 (en dash)
  • Correct: AP, AMA style: the years 1997‐2002 (hyphen)

Spaced en dash in place of em dash

A spaced en dash is sometimes used instead of an em dash to set off an explanatory statement, particularly in British usage.

  • Two writers – Tolkien and Jordan – influenced her writing.

In American usage, an em dash is normally used to set off a parenthetical or explanatory statement. Some publications, news media in particular, prefer a spaced en dash instead. Spaced en dashes are also more common in British style.

  • The girl – the one we met at the party – turned up at our doorstep this morning.
  • She bought four books – three novels and a biography – at the book fair.
  • The court ruled in favor of the defendant – a verdict that would eventually be overturned.

If you use an en dash to set off parenthetical information, remember to insert spaces around it. But don’t insert spaces around an en dash used to show a range or to connect words.

How to insert an en dash

To insert an en dash in Microsoft Word, use one of these ways, whichever you find convenient:

  1. On Mac, press Option+hyphen key. Word converts the hyphen to an en dash.
  2. On Windows, if your keyboard has a numeric keypad, hold down the Ctrl key and press the minus sign on the numpad: Ctrl+minus (on numpad).
  3. If your keyboard has a numeric keypad, hold down the Alt key and press 0151 on the numpad: Alt+0150 (on numpad).
  4. In Word, go to the Insert menu. Choose Symbol, click the Special Characters tab, highlight the en dash, and click Insert.
  5. To insert a spaced en dash, type a word with a space after it, then type a hyphen, insert another space, type the word that should follow the en dash, press Space, and voilà! – the hyphen turns into an en dash. (This magic only works if AutoFormat is enabled in Word.)

In software that does not support extended (or Unicode) characters, it is acceptable to use a hyphen (-) in place of an en dash. In applications such as Notepad and other text editors, copying and pasting from Word works.

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